Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Thesaurus Game

Welcome to computer lab!

Today we'll be playing the Thesaurus Game.

A thesuaurus is a book of synonyms.  Synonyms are interesting in that even in many dictionaries the word is listed as meaning two words with the "same" meaning.  The truth is that synonyms don't usually have the exact same meaning.  Most synonyms have subtle "shades" of difference in their meanings and the way they are used.  In this way words are very much like colours.  There are literally millions of shades of blue.  In fact, some words can be synonyms AND antonyms (opposites).  Depedending on how some words are used they can actually mean very different things...sometimes so much that they can be considered their own opposite.

Object:  From the starting word, make steps.  Each step in the chain is a synonym of the word before.  The game ends when you reach a word that is an antonym (means the opposite of) the original word.

Game Procedure:
1.  Open Microsoft Word
2.  Select a word to start with.  Look up the definition of that word and use it in a sentence.  You can make up a word or use a random word generator.  Simple adjectives often work really well.

random word generator:  I suggest using adjectives.  Don't forget to look up the word to find out what it means before you begin.  Common words with a obvious antonyms work best.  Don't be afraid to use this until you find a word you WANT to start with.

3.  Type the word, spelled correctly into Microsoft word.  Below it, use it properly in a sentence so you have demonstrated that you know what the word means.
4.  Highlight the word.
5.  Click "Tools" --> "Language" --> "Thesaurus"
6.  To the right a thesaurus window will open.  Sometimes it take 30 seconds or so for the search to be performed.  A bunch of synonyms will appear (also an antonym...don't pick that one.  It will be labeled.).  The thesaurus groups words according to their general shade of meaning. 
7.  Choose one of the words...try to predict which one will lead to a different "meaning path" and type that word under the word you started with in the main window.  Then click on that word in the thesaurus panel.  It will then look up that word in the thesaurus.
8.  Continue this process, each time typing the word beneath the last in the chain.  Carefully select the next word to try to move the definition away from the original word you started with.  Eventually you should be able to find your way to an antonym of the original word if you try.
9.  When you get there, highlight the last word and count the number of steps it took you to reach the antonym.  Take turns with your partner.  Completing the loop is always a victory, but try to do it in as few steps as possible.  Try using lots of different words, adjectives work best though.

Example of a game card:


His shoe was so large that two of my feet could fit inside.

Synonym list

  1. generous
  2. liberal 
  3. moderate 
  4. restrained 
  5. discreet 
  6. unnoticeable 
  7. imperceptible 
  8. small
  Small is an antonym of large! I completed the loop in 8 steps.


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