Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Today you'll all be reading and experiencing an interactive history lesson of sorts that will give you an understanding for what life was like in the trenches during the terrible conflict of World War I.  You often hear about this conflict which is where the tradition of wearing the poppy began, but sometimes it is difficult to relate to what life was like during the time.

Treat this experience with respect and please remember it is based upon what real people had to go through.

Listen to the story, with the volume VERY LOW (or you will forfeit the right to use the volume at all), but mostly read the interactive story you will be involved with.  Click on vocabulary words to find out more about them.  In another tab, open this question form that contains questions about the experience you are reading.

** Make sure your group has completed the question form and the interactive reading before leaving computer lab today. I will be checking from home.**

The interactive reading:


  1. Click here, on interactive reading.
  2. Click begin your adventure.
  3. When it asks you for your name, a friend's name, and the city you live in, it isn't going to keep the information.  It's to put you inside the story.  You can make up a false name if you like, but keep it respectful.
  4. Enjoy the experience, remember to keep your volume very low.  If it is too high, you will be asked to do this without the volume, and just by reading.  Use your good sense!
  5. Appropriate behaviour for a computer lab and a remembrance day activity please.

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